Friday, September 28, 2007

Late run and nerves

So yesterday I worked the evening shift (12-9) and put my run off until 8am. Big mistake. East Texas is hot and humid at 8am and even a four mile run was tough. So I took a slightly different route and called on Sean to help me out. I think he joined me about halfway through, because things seemed to get much easier. Whew...

Tomorrow, I run 7 miles and I am apprehensive, to say the least. I've never run that far and I'm doing it by myself. At least I'm in MN so I can't complain about the heat. I have some mushy, sentimental things to talk about, but I'm too distracted at the moment. Stay tuned, I may be in the mood for major introspection tomorrow after I exhaust myself. Nothing more to say now because I am currently surrounded by five screaming nieces who have no patience for my blogging...

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